Gain a Diploma Working Full Time

Diploma Working Full Time

Trying to juggle working full-time while also studying a Diploma can feel overwhelming. With constant demands from your job and finding time for coursework, it’s easy to feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. However, with determination and smart time management, you can strike a balance. Follow these essential tips to successfully […]

Flexible Diplomas Designed for Busy Mums

Mum and Dughter with laptop - Flexible Diplomas Designed for Busy Mums

Juggling family life while trying to advance your career can feel impossible, that’s why we have flexible Diplomas designed for busy mums. At Lewis College, we empower busy mums to earn accredited PA, EA, Office Manager and Medical Secretarial qualifications 100% online. Our flexible Diploma programmes allow you to gain career-boosting skills without compromising your […]

Upskill Your Team Before Hiring New Staff

Upskill your team

Rather than immediately looking to hire new staff, first, consider opportunities to upskill your team. Developing and training existing employees enables you to fill open roles faster and more affordably than recruiting externally. Providing professional development opportunities boosts morale, retention and engagement across your team. In many situations, taking the time to upskill your team […]

Boost Your Graduate Career with Lewis College

Boost Your Graduate Career

You’ve worked hard for your university degree. Congratulations! Now it’s time to boost your graduate career with Lewis College! But transitioning from university to the business world can be challenging. Many graduates struggle to bridge the gap between their studies and the practical skills needed to build a career. That’s where Lewis College comes in! […]

The Convenient and Flexible Learning Experience at Lewis College

Woman studying online PA Course

In today’s fast-paced world, online education has revolutionised the way we learn and acquire new skills. Lewis College, specialising in courses for personal assistants and executive assistants, embraces this digital learning landscape to provide students with a comprehensive and flexible learning experience.  With a focus on practicality and convenience, Lewis College offers video tutorials, accessible […]

Understanding the Distinction: PA vs. EA

Understanding the Distinction: PA vs. EA

In the corporate world, efficiency and productivity rely on the seamless coordination and support provided by assistant roles within an organisation. Two commonly misunderstood positions are the Personal Assistant (PA) and the Executive Assistant (EA). While these roles may appear similar, there are distinct differences in their responsibilities, scope, and level of engagement. In this blog, we’ll delve […]

Setting Boundaries: A Guide for PAs

person sitting at a desk, perhaps looking stressed or overwhelmed, with a clock in the background indicating a late hour.

Welcome, my fellow Personal Assistants. We are a unique group of professionals who often go above and beyond to support our bosses and teams. But amid all this demanding work, it’s easy to forget about ourselves. That’s why setting boundaries is not just a nice-to-have, but an absolute must. It’s the key to preserving our […]

The Eisenhower Matrix: A Guide for PAs

$ people sat at a desk working out priorities for eisenhower matrix.

As a personal assistant, your day-to-day work is full of tasks that require your attention, from answering emails to organising events. With so many things to do, it can be challenging to know where to start and how to prioritise effectively. One helpful tool for managing your workload is the Eisenhower Matrix. This matrix helps […]

Importance of Verbal Communication as an Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant Verbally Communicating

Verbal communication is a key skill that must be mastered to be a successful Executive Assistant. It is important to be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients and other stakeholders. Verbal communication allows you to build relationships and trust with others, as well as motivate people to work together towards a common goal.  It […]

Clear and Concise Instruction: Tips and Examples

Person with a confused expression looking at a computer screen

Have you ever enrolled in an online course, only to feel overwhelmed by the lack of clear and concise instruction? Maybe you’re worried that the material will be too complicated, or that you won’t be able to keep up with the pace of the course. Whatever your fears may be, know that you’re not alone. […]

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