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The QWERTY keyboard – here to stay?

A few years ago I was invited by BBC Radio 5 to carry out an interview on touch typing – just a topic to fill a few minutes on their live show.  It was quite an interesting experience seeing how a radio programme was put together – but I had to be there for 5 am!

The point of the topic was to see if one of the commentators could type at a reasonable pace and we carried out a touch typing test live on air.

Quite a few errors – but not a bad speed considering he was doing this live.

BBC article

The BBC had an article a few days ago about how we ended up with the QWERTY keyboard and the story behind this and how in fact it is designed to slow us down and the impact this has had on our working life.  You can find out more here…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csz2w5.

Different keyboard layouts

We can now choose different keyboard layouts on our computers, phones etc – but most of us stick with the QWERTY layout – possibly because we are more familiar with this and it fits in with Microsoft Office and other programs more easily.

The QWERTY keyboard

Out of all the skills I have learnt, touch typing on a QWERTY keyboard has been THE best skill – saving me hours and hours of time.  Why?  Because I can talk whilst I type, I don’t have to look at the keys whilst I type – I can look at what I am copying and therefore do not lose my place and I can relax more as I am at one with the QWERTY keyboard (if that is possible!).

My daily workload is easier as I can get through the production of documents more quickly – a lot less hassle compared to those who are using a keyboard but not touch typing.

So … yes I think the QWERTY keyboard is here to stay as it is so well embedded into our lives now and yes I do think it is worth while learning to touch type – a skill to help you more than anything else.

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One Response

  1. I can understand why the qwerty keyboard is here to stay. It works well when typing in the English Language

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