Importance of Verbal Communication as an Executive Assistant

Executive Assistant Verbally Communicating

Verbal communication is a key skill that must be mastered to be a successful Executive Assistant. It is important to be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients and other stakeholders. Verbal communication allows you to build relationships and trust with others, as well as motivate people to work together towards a common goal.  It can also help you gain respect from your peers and improve the overall efficiency of the team.  Knowing how to use verbal communication effectively can make all the difference in achieving success as an Executive Assistant.

That’s all well and good, but how do you master it?

To communicate effectively, it is important to be aware of the different communication styles.  

Communication Styles

Communication styles are the different ways of expressing and interpreting information.  Different communication styles can be used to convey different messages, and they can have a great impact on how people interact with each other.  It is important to understand the communication styles so that you can be more effective as an EA.  There are four main types of communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and passive.

Understanding these communication styles will help you better communicate with those around you and improve relationships.

Assertive communication

Assertive communication is an important skill for everyone to have.  It involves expressing your thoughts, feelings, and opinions clearly and directly without being aggressive or passive. By communicating assertively, you can build strong relationships with others, resolve conflicts more effectively, and get your needs met respectfully. All of which are key objectives of an Executive Assistant.  Assertive communication skills can be learned and practised in the role of an EA until they become second nature.

Aggressive Communication

Communicating in an aggressive manner often involves hostile words and behaviours.  Think harsh language, threats, and insults to get one’s point across.  This type of communication can be detrimental to relationships and can lead to conflict if not handled properly. Certainly not an objective of an EA who needs to maintain close relationships at all levels.  It is important for both parties involved to understand the importance of using respectful language and being open-minded when communicating.

Passive-Aggressive Communication

Passive-aggressive communication is a form of indirect communication which involves the use of subtle, non-confrontational methods to express anger or frustration.  It can be expressed in various ways, such as through sarcasm, criticism, hostility, or avoidance.  People who communicate in a passive-aggressive manner often do so because they feel powerless to express their feelings directly and honestly.  As a result, passive-aggressive communication can create tension and conflict in relationships and workplaces. Therefore, an Executive Assistant needs to recognise when someone is engaging in passive-aggressive behaviour so that it can be addressed and resolved appropriately.

Passive Communication

Passively communicating involves the listener or reader being presented with information without any interaction or engagement.  It can be used to deliver messages in a non-confrontational and non-intrusive way, allowing the receiver to process the information at their own pace.  Passive communication is sometimes the only option if you’re dealing with a temperamental or domineering client. However, constantly letting people have their way at the expense of what you want does not make for effective communication.

Each style has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to know which one best suits your needs.  It’s the assertive verbal communication style which is key to being a successful manager and leader, so vital for any top Executive Assistant.   Assertive EAs foster a work environment that’s built on trust and open communication. All team members will be inspired by their confidence, enthusiasm, and authenticity.  It’s these qualities that will make you stand out to your Executive.

It is also beneficial to employ strategies such as asking open-ended questions. Open-ended questions help to ensure that both parties are on the same page, for example.

  • What do you think is the best solution?
  • How do you feel about our current ways of working?
  • What are the most important things I can help you with?
  • How would you approach this problem?

You can also try paraphrasing when verbally communicating. This is where you use your own words to express someone else’s thoughts.

With these tips in mind, you can become a better verbal communicator in your role as an Executive Assistant.

Want to develop your Verbal Communication skills further? Take a look at our Executive Assistant Diploma

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3 Responses

  1. Interesting blog. I used to be more of a passive communicator but with the help of the PA course I am studying, it’s helping me to become more assertive. My confidence is improving and so making me feel better in my day to day work life.

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