A short blog on which course is right for an aspiring Executive Assistant.
Knowing what course you should do to become a executive assistant is an important step in creating a path to your ideal career. Executive assistants play an important role in any business where good communication and organisation is the key to success.
Many people are attracted to the executive assistant role. Its versatility and the broad spectrum of positions that are available are quite appealing to a brioad audience. Those who equip themselves with a specific EA qualification such as those mentioned below will find they have an advantage over those without.
From our experience, people have gone into careers as EA’s in organisations such as the BBC and all the way through to the UK Foreign Office. As well as charities and even art galleries.
A company looking to hire a competent EA would be particularly interested in candidates who had shown a specific interest in a career as a personal assistant.
This can be demonstrated by embarking on a specific qualification such as the Executive Assistant Diploma
This is a course that can be completed remotely online. Which makes it ideal for those looking for a career change or those based overseas looking to pursue a EA career in the UK. Its NCFE accreditation gives it the credibility it needs to add value to the CV of anybody looking to pursue a career as an executive assistant.
0% finance available on all our courses with our ethical funding partner, Knoma. Visit our course page.
8 responses
I studied a course and its helped me massively. It allows you to learn a whole new range of things and the tutors are very helpful!
I’m currently studying the P.A Diploma course, and am learning so much already.
I am currently studying this course around my full time PA job. I have worked my way into this job role and have gain great knowledge and experience over the last 5 years.
I decided to complete this course to broaden my knowledge and build my confidence. I hope that this will bring me many opportunities in my career once I gain the certificate.
I am currently studying this course around my full time job also. I am trying to push for a career as an EA!
I am excited to finish this course and put it to practice!
I am currently studying the EA course and I am really enjoying the learning process. I hope it will help me return to work after a long period of family leave and pursue a new career.
I am currently studying the EA Diploma course, and I am really enjoying the course so far. All the tutors are extremely helpful. I am trying to push myself more with the help of this course to be the best Executive Assistant I can possibly be.
I decided to study the Executive Assistant Diploma – Level 3 with Lewis College as it was the perfect way to study whilst working full time, and I am so glad that I finally was able to fit this into my career.
I have been a PA/EA for the last 15 years and even though I had gained all the experience through my career, I always felt there was something missing as I didn’t have the academic “back-up” to demonstrate my capabilities. This course has really taught new ways to work more efficiently and has expanded my knowledge and skills within the role.
The tutors are super friendly and provide you with thorough feedback to help you progress throughout the course.
I have been a PA for 6 years now, although I had good knowledge of the role, I felt I needed to upskill and refresh myself in all areas.
The diploma covers all aspects of my role, and it provides all the skills I require to do my role more efficiently and effectively and this is turn provides more support to my boss.
It’s great to complete the diploma out of work time and around family life and it’s good to have support and guidance from the tutors as and when required.